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Technical requiments

Device design, major parts:
an electronic unit with a three-conductor power supply cord; software on CD-ROM.

Removable components: magnetoinductors - right (R) and left (L) encased in headphones; an infrared scanner; a resonator; an interface cable.

Accessories: a device to fix and adjust the infrared scanner.

Means of packing: the apparatus, its removable parts and a set of Operational Documentation are supposed to be encased it polythene and packed in a packing suitcase.

The apparatus should be complete with Operational Instructions in accordance with GOST 2.601-95, including:
operational manual; user's guide on CD-ROM.

Apparatus dimensions, mm: width - 225; length - 180; depth - 65.
Weight of the apparatus in assembly - not more than 2.8 kg.
Magnetic intensity on the surface of the magnetoinductors - 20 mT ±1.
Type of modulation in the magnetoinductors' circuit - from 1.8 to 8.2 Hz.
Interruption rate control pitch - 0.1 Hz.
Pulse ration from 0.5 to 95% with a 5% pitch.
Modulation frequency: Low-frequency modulation - 240 Hz.
High-frequency modulation - 1.5 - 4.5 GHz.
The sensitive element is a noise-voltage generator (with constructively revised 2Г401В diode used as a noise source).
The element is energized by constant direct current with a value of several microamperes.
The current value is selected at the bench in the course of adjustment.
The information signal is picked up off the sensitive element and is passed along an amplification path.
The gain factor of the differential amplifier is not less then 30 dB.
The frequency band for processing information spikes in the noise signal is in the range of 10 to 200 kHz.
The toggle frequency of the shift register is 1.0 ± 0.1 MHz.

Power supply characteristics.
The apparatus operates from AC mains with a frequency of 50±1 Hz and a rated voltage of 220 V, the supply voltage can fluctuate ± 10% from the rated value.
The power consumed by the apparatus is under 20 W.

Time characteristics.
Time for setting the operating duty after the apparatus has been switched on does not exceed 30 s.
Time for switching off the apparatus is about 1 s.
The apparatus is supposed to provide recurrent short-time duty with cyclic recurrence - 60 min. in operation followed by a 5-minute break for 12 hours with a subsequent 30-minute interval. Control unit characteristics.
The control unit consists of a microprocessor unit and a pulse duration modulation circuit.
The interaction of the computer, apparatus and peripherals is determined by a program incorporated in the microprocessor.
The diagnosis procedure is controlled from a keyboard and by means of a mouse.

Requirements for the apparatus software.
The program is supposed to receive control information from the head program from IBM PC via RS232 standard interface and convert it into control signals. Besides, the program receives information from the peripherals and transmits it to the head program in IBM PC through the standard interface. The program is materialized and stored in the internal flash memory of the microprocessor (single-chip microcomputer) and comprises: the main program body;
a program that receives control information;
a program that analyses control information;
a subprogram that produces master pulses;
a subprogram that reloads the real-time timer;
a subprogram that receives information from the noise sequence;
an information output to the head program.
The head program was developed using Borland Delphi programming medium, realized and recorded on IBM PC hard disk and can operate under the operational systems Windows 98/2000/Millenium/XP. The information used by the program during the operation is stored in Paradox tables and binary files. The program is secured from unauthorized copying. The program can only be installed and started with the apparatus 'Oberon' switched on.


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