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Methods comparison

Unlike NMR and computer tomography, the NLS-analysis does not need high intensity fields. The method seems to have good prospects for metabolism studies, particularly on a cell level. Of all methods of hardware-based diagnostics the NLS provides representations most proximate to a pathologicoanatomic picture. This feature of the method along with its harmlessness, promotes rapid development of the NLS-diagnostics.

We provided hereinafter for comparison's sake the outcomes of different diagnostic methods used alongside with the NLS-analysis. The following designators are used as the functionality scale:

Level of a latent capacity. Asthenia of regulatory systems. Compensated failures of the adaptation mechanism.
Level of optimal regulation. Shift of characteristics to a higher level, strain condition of regulatory systems. Decompensation of adaptation mechanism, expressed morbid conditions.


Patient S., 68 years old. Osteoblastic metastasis of carcinoma of prostate gland into spondyle.




Patient S., 56 years old. Longitudinal section: right kidney stone.




Patient S., 56 years old. Metastasis of lungs cancer into the left frontal lobe.




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